Cissy Spencer and her husband Ryan just got married. They had a small ceremony in a room at the Lakeside Inn at the edge of town. Cissy's mother Carmen Hershberger was also married in a double ceremony alongside her daughter just over two weeks ago.
Cissy, 15, shares the same bipolar traits as her mother, and spends three hours a day at the Trenton R9 Success Center, an alternative school near Trenton High. Ryan, 20, works at the Dollar General store restocking shelfs. Carmen has limited mobility due to diabetes, and deals with minor schizophrenia. Having lost most of her vision she collects disability, social security, and writes horror short stories on the side.
After a string of misfortunes in the last few months, including a car repossession, and an eviction, the family now lives together in a small trailer near the highway. The couple spends time outside the trailer to be intimate with each other as they walk around town arm in arm, but in the home they have no privacy. For now a proper honeymoon has to wait.