MPW.68 / 2016 Loose Ends by Tanya Bylinsky Fabian
Tanya Bylinsky Fabian Fort Collins, Colo.

Team Lee

Story Summary

Once known as the Palace Hotel and the Southern Hotel, the two historic buildings at the intersection of Main and McClay have served as apartment houses in Cuba, Missouri, for several decades. Denizens of the apartments call the buildings “Loose Ends,” a reference to the biker bar next door.

Rent is $500 a month and includes everything: heat, electric and cable. It’s a good deal for many in the area who are living below the poverty line.

Police are regular visitors and evictions are frequent. Conversations revolve around how to kill bedbugs and the latest drug raid. Some work, and some keep to themselves. But things are always buzzing on the porches of “Loose Ends”.