• Ragan's Faith
  • The 62nd Missouri Photo Workshop / Macon, Mo.
  • This story is not about a mistake.

    This story is about one boy’s premature journey to manhood. A story about adapting. A story about taking responsibility for one’s actions.

    A story about love.

    3 years ago, Ragan Kothe, a star football player, straight A student, and oldest of 5 boys found out his girlfriend was pregnant. They were 15.

    This year, in his senior english class, Ragan wrote an essay titled “How to Be a Man”. The last paragraph is a testament to a unique transformation from boy to father.

    “Every choice has a consequence that you will be held accountable for. Some people run and hide when a choice they have made turns for the worst, not believing that there is another day to start anew. Some people stand up and take on the troubles of their world. They fight for a second chance, a chance to prove all the doubters wrong. Ultimately my decision I made was a bad one, but I manned up and took on the responsibility of being a father and after seeing Faith through her first two years of life I wouldn’t change my decision for the world.”

    Ragan Kothe, 17, holds his 2.5 year-old daughter, Faith, at the annual high school Powder Puff football game in Macon, Missouri. Ragan and Faith came out to watch Faith’s mother, Jayde Linear, play for the senior powder puff team. “She lights up my world and is the greatest blessing the Lord has bestowed upon me.” Ragan wrote in an essay.

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